Food & Drinks

The knowledge that will make your ice cream superior: A scientific guide

The knowledge that will make your ice cream superior: A scientific guide

Ice cream is a popular desert among the people of all ages: Toddler to Grandpa or grandma. They are always sweet and eaten in frozen state. This post mainly focused the home user or small scale family owned individual business. I have noticed that most of the blogs that shares the ice cream recipe are …

The knowledge that will make your ice cream superior: A scientific guide Read More »

milk in a glass

Is the heating of milk a chemical process?

Yes. There are several chemical reactions that take place during the heating of the milk. Heat induced chemical reactions of milk can be classified into five groups: Acid development Precipitation of calcium phosphate Maillard reactions Casein modification and Interaction of sulphydryl groups In fresh milk all the ingredients remain in a large number of equilibria …

Is the heating of milk a chemical process? Read More »